Chocolate Wrapping Ambalage Machine

Machine Features

It can be planned according to the method that takes material automatically from machine feeding  system or it can be installed properly by integrating automatic feeders.the axle system of cog –wheel  is strengthened with reverse system of realised instantly without 3 phases engine activity automatic oiling indicator and oil tank are given with removable cover.Scale variations can be realised  instantly without the need of making changes inside the machine

Technicial Specifications

  • Packaging speed can be changed  from 100 to 300 up to the shape of the product 380 volt 3 phases earth feding

  • Packaging materials : Aluminium coil , Opp and plyprople

  • Demanding Accessories

  • Additional  scale group

  • Electronic package counter


  • Power : 2.2 kw       Width : 185 cm     Length : 150 cm       Height : 150 cm